What a fantastic event this was for Prestonwood Rotary! The Fire-Rescue Appreciation Day, held at Prestonwood Country Club, was eagerly awaited by everyone. On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, we welcomed 31 brave men and women from the Fire Departments of Dallas and Addison. We took pride in recognizing three outstanding individuals from Dallas Fire Rescue, who were chosen by their Chiefs to receive awards. Additionally, six members of the Addison Fire Department were honored for their life-saving efforts on March 16th when they saved our President, Vickie Campbell who went into cardiac arrest.
Additionally, Prestonwood Rotary presented a check for $2100.00 to DFD for their Safety and Wellness Program.  The DFD followed with a letter of Appreciation to Prestonwood for their many years of the celebration of Dallas Fire-Rescue.