The installation ceremony for the new president, Bill Persefield, on June 26, 2024, was well-attended. The evening began with dinner for thirty-three people at Desperado's, attended by Rotarians and their guests.
Mike Callahan presented The ROC (Metro Family Ministries) with a check for $1,000 to assist them in rebuilding their damaged building during the last storm. Darrell Lancaster accepted the check and thanked Prestonwood for their continued commitment to The ROC
Outgoing president Vickie Campbell gave a heartfelt farewell. PDG Howard Templin then led the event, officiating the installation of Bill Persefield and his board of directors for the 2024-2025 term, under the theme 'Rotary is Magic!' Bill reflected on the previous year's achievements and shared his vision and aspirations for the upcoming Rotary year.  Congratulations Bill, we look forward to a eventful year.