Congratulations to The Rotary Club of Prestonwood for the 2023-2024 "Award Winning Year". This year Prestonwood received 10 Awards - 2 Individual Awards and 8 Club Awards.
The Tony Saglime Award is given to newer Rotarians (under two Years) who meet the following criteria: willingness to participate in Club activities and District 5810 events, and adherence to the Object of Rotary by living the 4-Way Test.
Three of our five RYLA students attended our August 14th Rotary Meeting. They spoke about their experiences at RYLA Camp—Dawn Rae Haddox from PTAA, Rex Marrs from Lovejoy, and Luke Phillips from Princeton. We hope to have a visit from our next two from JJ Pearce soon. Congratulations to all of the students who were chosen to attend.